Privacy Policy

VENUSIAN KITCHEN will keep your information personal and secured. We only save the information you provide with the purpose to inform you, to render services to you, to handle your order, for statistic operations that allow us to improve our services and for services such as the sending of newsletters, photo alerts etc. We use a secured payment system (Mollie) and your bank details are saved to connect your payment to your order.

You can also ask us to delete (some of your) personal information or to send you your personal information, in accordance with the binding stipulations in the General Data Protection Regulation.

We may collect the following categories of information for the purposes of

  • device and browser information: information about the device or browser you use to access (IP address, cookie string data, ID, etc.);

  • website activity: data about your browsing activity on the website (which pages did you visit, what items did you check out, etc.);

  • advertisement data: data about our online ads (how many ads did you receive, did you respond to the ad, etc.);

  • data from Advertising Partners: data we receive from (digital) advertising partners we work with to help us deliver ads to you and recognize you across browsers and devices.

VENUSIAN KITCHEN uses cookies, tracking pixels and related technologies to provide for advertisements. Cookies are small data files that are served by our platform and stored on your device. They enable VENUSIAN KITCHEN to identify your device when you move between websites and applications. You have the possibility to delete cookies.

Our website and all elements on the site are protected by intellectual property rights (such as the right of the artist, trademarks, models, etc.). All reproductions, representations, utilizations, adaptations/modifications, by whatever procedure or on whatever medium, are forbidden.